How TTB Business One Gives You the Freedom to Focus on Growth

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TTB Business One
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So you’ve got this amazing business idea, a killer product or service, and a vision for serious growth. Now it’s time to make that vision a reality. The only problem is, between managing payroll, accounts receivable, inventory, and a million little details, you’re spending more time with spreadsheets than strategy. What if there was an all-in-one business management solution that handled all the day-to-day tasks so you could focus on the big picture?

Enter ttb business one. This cloud-based software gives you a single dashboard to control everything from accounting and reporting to project management and CRM. It connects all your data in one place so you have visibility across your entire business. With ttb business one handling the busywork, you can get back to doing what you do best – innovating, expanding into new markets, and driving exponential growth. The freedom to focus on the future of your company – that’s the power of ttb business one.

Streamline Alcohol Beverage Label Approval With TTB Business One

Streamlining your alcohol beverage label approval process with TTB Business One allows you to focus on growing

your business. This innovative web-based system simplifies submitting COLAs (Certificates of Label Approval) to the TTB.

A single online account for all your labels

With one login, you can submit labels for any type of alcohol beverage across multiple locations or business entities. No more wasting time

logging in and out of different accounts.

Guided workflows make COLA submission a breeze

Intuitive step-by-step workflows prompt you for all the information needed for your specific product type. Built-in validation checks catch any

errors along the way so you can resolve them immediately.

Track your labels’ progress in real time

The status tracker gives you an up-to-the-minute view of where each label is in the review process so you know exactly what’s left to approve or deny.

You’ll get email notifications at key points as well.

Make changes on the fly

Need to revise a label before it’s approved? Simply log in to your account and make the necessary edits and additions. The system will automatically

update your submission with the new information.

TTB Business One is the smart, simple way for beverage alcohol producers to manage federal compliance. By streamlining the mandatory label approval process,

it allows you to shift your focus from tedious paperwork to business growth and success. Isn’t it time you discovered how TTB Business One can unlock your

company’s true potential?

Manage Your Portfolio and Submit Labels Online

With TTB Business One, submitting your alcohol labels and managing your portfolio of formulas and labels is simple. You can do it all online without having to deal with paperwork.

First, you’ll create your formulas. This includes details like the ingredients, alcohol percentage, and more. TTB Business One makes it easy to save formulas you use often so you can quickly select them for new labels.

Next, you design your actual labels. You have the freedom to be creative while still meeting all TTB requirements. TTB Business One’s label designer tool ensures your labels comply before you submit them.

Once your labels are designed, submitting them to the TTB for approval is a breeze. Just upload your labels, pay the required fee, and click submit. Most labels are approved within 3 weeks. You’ll get an email as soon as your labels are approved so you can start using them.

Managing your label portfolio over time is simple too. You can view the status of all your submitted labels, make changes to existing labels, and see a full audit trail of the TTB’s reviews and approvals.

Never deal with complicated government forms or worry if your labels meet requirements again. TTB Business One handles all the details so you can focus on growing your business. The freedom and efficiency it provides distillers and importers is unparalleled. Isn’t it time you gave it a try?

Real-Time Status Updates Keep You Informed

TTB Business One gives you real-time updates on all your key business metrics so you always know where things stand. This allows you to spot issues early and make data-driven decisions to keep your company on track.

Live Dashboards

The interactive dashboards in TTB Business One provide an at-a-glance view of your business’s performance. See key stats like:

  • Revenue and sales numbers
  • Cash flow and accounts receivable
  • Inventory levels
  • Employee productivity

You can customize the dashboards to show the metrics that matter most to you. Drill down into the details or zoom out for a high-level snapshot. Either way, you have the data you need right when you need it.

Automated Notifications

Never miss an important update again. Set up custom alerts in TTB Business One to notify you when a key metric hits a target or goes out of range. Get notifications via:

  • Email
  • SMS text
  • Mobile push notifications

You can tailor the alerts to your needs. For example, receive a text if inventory for a top product falls below a 3-week supply. Or get an email if accounts receivable go past due by more than 30 days. The alerts keep you looped in so you can take action fast.

Reporting and Analysis

In addition to real-time data, TTB Business One gives you reporting and analysis tools to better understand trends in your business. Generate reports on:

  • Demand planning and forecasting
  • Sales performance
  • Cost and profitability
  • Customer acquisition and retention

Analyze the reports to gain valuable insights into what’s driving your business. Then optimize your strategies and processes accordingly. With TTB Business One, you’ll never feel out of the loop on the metrics that really matter. Stay on top of it all so you can focus on growing your company.

Collaborate Across Teams to Expedite Approvals

With TTB Business One, collaborating across departments and teams has never been easier. The integrated system gives everyone visibility into the same data and processes in real time.

Streamline Approvals

Long gone are the days of chasing down signatures and waiting weeks for approvals. Now you can set up automated approval workflows that alert the necessary people as soon as an item is ready for review. Approvers get notified by email and can review and approve requests directly in the system with the click of a button.

Say you submit a new vendor request. The system automatically notifies the accounting manager, who reviews and approves it. Then it moves on to the procurement manager, who also approves it. The whole process takes just a couple of days instead of weeks. Talk about expediting approvals!

Cross-Departmental Visibility

Everyone from accounting to sales to project management has access to the same data in TTB Business One. This cross-departmental visibility provides complete transparency and ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

For example, if a customer service rep gets a request for a rush order from an important client, they can check the production schedule to make sure the item is available to ship on time. Then they notify the project manager, who can reprioritize resources to fulfill the request. This level of visibility allows for quick reactions and real-time collaboration.

Open Communication

With activity feeds, comments, and an internal messaging system, it’s easy for teams to communicate in context. See a change in a sales order that might impact production? Comment on the record to start a discussion. Have a question about a new vendor submitted for approval? Send a direct message to the person who submitted the request.

Open communication and transparency are key to efficient collaboration. TTB Business One provides the tools for cross-team discussions and expedited decision making so you can focus on growth, not chasing down information or approvals.

Compliance Tools Provide Guidance and Support

TTB Business One comes with built-in compliance tools to help guide you through the complicated world of business regulations and support your growth.

Compliance Center

The Compliance Center dashboard gives you an overview of required filings and deadlines so you never miss an important date. You’ll get alerts in advance for upcoming requirements like:

  • Business licenses
  • Tax filings
  • Annual report submissions

The Compliance Center also provides resources to help you understand the rules and make sure your business stays on the right side of the law. Tutorials, explanations of legal terms, and compliance checklists break down complex regulations into easy-to-follow steps.

Document Management

Keeping accurate records is essential for any business, but it can be difficult to stay organized, especially when you’re focused on growth. TTB Business One’s document management features let you:

  • Upload and store all your important files in one place.
  • Create folders to categorize documents by type or project.
  • Share files with your accountant, lawyer, and other advisors.
  • Set reminders to review and update documents on a regular schedule.

Advisor Connect

If you still have questions about meeting certain requirements or ensuring your operations align with regulations, TTB Business One provides access to vetted business advisors. Schedule a call to get advice tailored to your unique situation. Advisors can walk you through complex forms, review your financials, and suggest strategies for sustainable growth while maintaining compliance.

TTB Business One’s guidance provides the freedom and confidence to build your business without worrying if you’ve missed an important deadline or detail. The support system keeps you compliant so you can focus on growth.


So there you have it. TTB Business One is designed to give you back your most precious resource: time. With automated processes handling your accounting, billing, reporting, and more, you’re free to focus on the big picture and make the strategic decisions that will take your company to the next level. Instead of getting bogged down in paperwork and spreadsheets, you can pursue new opportunities, strengthen customer relationships, develop innovative products and services, and plan for sustainable growth. TTB Business One provides the platform and support so you can shift your mindset from task completion to business expansion. When you have the freedom to dream big, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. So what are you waiting for? Take your business to new heights with TTB Business One. The future is yours to build.

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