Computer: An AI Built for Crypto Traders

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Hey there, crypto enthusiast. Have you been struggling to keep up with the 24/7 crypto markets and all the data that comes with them? The constant stream of news, tweets, charts, and forum posts can feel completely overwhelming. But what if there was an AI assistant built specifically to help crypto traders filter through all the noise and surface only what really matters? Well, now there is. Meet the Computer, an artificial intelligence designed by traders for traders. This smart bot was created to monitor hundreds of data sources, analyze market sentiment, spot trends, and deliver personalized recommendations tailored to your trading interests. The Computer does all the hard work of sorting through mountains of data so you can focus on making the best trading decisions. Ready to have an AI sidekick built for crypto? The Computer is here to help.

Introducing the Computer: Built for Crypto Traders

A Powerful AI for Crypto Traders

The Computer is an artificial intelligence built specifically for cryptocurrency traders. This powerful AI analyzes huge amounts of data to detect patterns and insights that would be nearly impossible for humans to find on their own.

By combing through historical price data, trends, news headlines, social media buzz, and more, the Computer can spot opportunities and warn you of potential risks. It tracks thousands of cryptocurrencies across hundreds of exchanges so you get a complete, data-driven picture of the market.

Some of the key features crypto traders will love include:

  • Automated trading signals so you know the optimal times to buy and sell
  • Price predictions and forecasts powered by machine learning algorithms
  • Anomaly detection to spot unusual market events as they happen
  • Sentiment analysis to gage how online chatter and opinions influence coin prices
  • Backtesting tools to evaluate how well different trading strategies would have performed in the past

The Computer may be an AI, but it was designed by humans – expert data scientists and engineers who understand the challenges of cryptocurrency trading. They created an artificial intelligence to help complement human intelligence, not replace it. The Computer can handle the data crunching while you focus on crafting a killer trading strategy.

With the power of AI and your trading expertise combined, you’ll have an edge in the competitive crypto market. The Computer puts next-level insights, automation, and prediction capabilities at your fingertips so you can trade with confidence. The future of crypto trading is AI – and the future is here.

Key Features of the Computer

The Computer was designed by traders for traders. This AI-powered machine comes loaded with features to help you make the most of the crypto markets.

Real-Time Market Data

You’ll have instant access to pricing data, volume, market cap and circulating supply for over 5,000 cryptocurrencies. See how the markets are moving at a glance and spot opportunities as they emerge.

Advanced Charting & Indicators

The computer provides sophisticated charting tools with over 80 technical indicators to analyze the markets and find trends. Compare multiple assets at once to determine the strongest performers. Zoom in on any time frame from 1 minute to 1 month.

AI-Powered Insights

The proprietary AI analyzes the crypto markets around the clock and provides trading insights and recommendations based on your risk profile. Get alerts for possible buying and selling opportunities to help build your positions. The AI learns from your trading activity over time to provide increasingly tailored insights.

Robust Security

Security is essential for any crypto platform. The Computer uses military-grade encryption, two-factor authentication and biometric logins to keep your account and assets secure 24/7. Your data and privacy are also strictly protected.

Mobile Accessibility

Manage your account, check market data and get trading alerts wherever you are. The computer is accessible via mobile app on iOS and Android, with full functionality and an optimized interface for smaller screens.

With powerful tools, actionable insights and robust security, the Computer has everything the crypto trader needs to gain an edge in the markets. The future of crypto trading is here.

How the Computer Uses AI to Benefit Traders

The Computer was designed specifically for crypto traders. It utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide key insights and recommendations to help you make the best trading decisions.

Analyzing the Market

The computer continuously scans the cryptocurrency market, analyzing trends in the top 100 coins. It looks for signs of upward or downward movement, as well as opportunities for short-term gains. The computer considers factors like:

  • Price changes
  • Trading volume
  • Social media hype and sentiment
  • New project announcements

The computer then provides an overview of the current market conditions and recommendations for buying, selling, or holding specific coins based on the analysis.

Monitoring Your Portfolio

You can connect your crypto exchange accounts and wallets to the Computer, allowing it to automatically track your holdings and performance. The computer will notify you if there are opportunities to buy or sell to rebalance your portfolio based on the market. It can also alert you if there are signs of a pump and dump scheme or other suspicious activity with a coin you own.

Customized Alerts

The computer allows you to set up customized alerts and notifications so you never miss an important market event or opportunity. You can choose to receive alerts via SMS text, email, or right in the web interface. Alert options include:

  • Price increase/decrease of a target % for a coin
  • Trading volume spikes
  • New exchange listings
  • Project announcements like partnerships, product releases, or rebranding

The Computer uses AI and machine learning to constantly analyze the crypto market and your portfolio in order to provide recommendations and alerts that will give you a competitive edge. The more you use the platform, the more the computer will learn your trading preferences and tailor its insights specifically for you.

Cryptocurrencies Supported by the Computer

The Computer supports over 5,000 different cryptocurrencies, so you’ll have access to a wide range of digital assets. Here are some of the major coins included:

Bitcoin (BTC)

As the first and largest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is a must for any crypto trader. The Computer provides real-time data and analysis on Bitcoin to help you make informed trading decisions.

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is a popular blockchain network and cryptocurrency used for decentralized apps and tokens. The Computer tracks the latest Ethereum news and market data so you can stay up to date on this innovative crypto platform.

Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin is a “silver to Bitcoin’s gold” and is used by some crypto traders as a more affordable alternative. The Computer monitors Litecoin’s performance 24/7 and notifies you of opportunities to buy or sell based on your trading preferences.

Ripple (XRP)

Ripple is a unique cryptocurrency used for global payments and remittances. The Computer provides Ripple market analysis and projections to help you navigate this volatile crypto.


EOS is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency used to power the EOS.IO blockchain network and protocol. The Computer tracks EOS in real time and alerts you to significant price swings and events that could affect your EOS positions.

The Computer supports all major cryptocurrencies as well as many smaller market cap coins. No matter what crypto assets you’re interested in trading, the Computer has you covered with the latest data and insights to help guide your decisions.

Getting Started With the Computer

Getting started with the Computer is simple. Once you’ve signed up for an account on, you’ll have access to the proprietary AI system built specifically for crypto traders.

Downloading the Software

The first step is downloading the Computer software on your desktop or laptop. It is currently available for Windows and Mac operating systems. The download is free and only takes a couple of minutes.

Once the software is installed, you’ll be prompted to enter your login credentials to link the AI system to your account. This allows the Computer to access your account data and trading history to provide customized insights and recommendations.

Configuring the AI

The next step is configuring the AI to best suit your needs. You’ll determine factors like:

  • Your risk tolerance (low, medium, high)
  • Primary trading goals (increase profits, minimize losses, balance of both)
  • Preferred cryptocurrencies to focus on
  • Any coins you want to exclude

The Computer uses this information to analyze the market and suggest trades aligned with your goals. You can update these settings at any time to refine the AI’s recommendations.

Monitoring the Dashboard

The heart of the Computer is the dashboard. This displays an overview of the current market with stats on your selected coins like price, 24-hour high/low, and volatility. The AI system monitors the market around the clock and provides alerts on good buying or selling opportunities based on your settings.

You can also view the AI’s specific trade recommendations with details on entry price, stop loss, take profit levels and more. You choose whether or not to act on any given recommendation. The Computer is meant as an advisory tool to supplement your own research and decision making.

With a few simple steps, you’ll be up and running with your own AI assistant focused on helping you succeed as a crypto trader. Be sure to start small as you learn how the system works, but in time it can become an invaluable ally in navigating the volatile cryptocurrency market.


So there you have it, an artificial intelligence system built from the ground up to serve crypto traders and investors. computer isn’t your average AI – it was designed specifically with the needs of digital currency enthusiasts in mind. Whether you’re just getting started in crypto or you’ve been hodling for years, this AI has insights and tools to help take your trading to the next level. The team behind computer are passionate about crypto, just like you, and they’ve poured that passion into building an AI that can spread knowledge, identify opportunities, and open up this exciting new world of digital finance to more people. The future is here, the future is AI, and the future of crypto is computer. The only question left is – are you ready to start using it to reach your goals as a crypto trader? The opportunities are endless if you take advantage of the right tools and insights. computer could be the tool that takes your crypto game to a whole new level.

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